Curexmed at Cop27 2022

The attention of the whole world now is directed towards 2022 UN Climate Change Conference Cop 27, between  November 6 and 11, 2022, in Sharm El Sheikh – South Sinai, to discuss climate change problems and find solutions to reduce the risks of climate change, in the presence of representatives and officials from all countries of the world.

What is cop27?

Cop27 is the 27th edition of the UN Climate Change Conference, the annual summit in which 197 countries represented by world leaders, many United Nations officials, and thousands of activists concerned and interested in the environment from all over the world participate; to discuss climate change and the environmental risks resulting from it, highlighting the role of countries in facing these environmental risks, and finding solutions.

This year, COP27 will be held in the Egyptian city of Sharm El Sheikh, located in southern Sinai, between November 6 and November 18, 2022, based on Egypt requesting at last year’s summit Cop 26 to host this year’s session of the Climate conference. Egypt will represent the entire African continent, and be the spokesperson for the developing countries, to coordinate negotiations in leading the environmental file and reducing the environmental risks to the planet.

Curexmed at Cop27

Because Curexmed believes in the role of societies and individuals in preserving the environment, reducing environmental risks to the planet, and preventing environmental disasters resulting from climate change, Curexmed provides the full medical support to Cop27 at Sharm El-sheikh throughout the preparation period from October 31 to the all conference holding period, as the medical and first aid team leader of the conference, to provide comprehensive medical support and services as much as it can.

Curexmed Medical Care was chosen to represent the medical care and first aid service at the conference, because of Curexmed active role in serving the local community and representing the medical service in Egypt in many international forums since 2019. Curexmed has always had an active role in defeating Corona virus and participating in Many local and international conferences and providing all means of medical support to visitors, members, and conference participants.

Follow also: The Best Home Radiology Center in Cairo

Our vision at Curexmed is to make home healthcare services available to all without experiencing the bitterness of waiting at hospitals or private clinics, And this stems from the biggest medicine vision in relieving patients’ pain and suffering as quickly as possible, at an affordable price.

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